I would certainly echo that. I will come back to a theme that I developed earlier, that is, making sure that the regulatory framework is suited to the construction or the refurbishment--but certainly the construction--of the next generation of reactors. You do have that component, which is leading the complications in a number of the new build projects.
Finally, I think there's one other thing, and it may have been inherent, and it is that the industry has to adhere to the highest standards of quality management throughout the supply cycle and the construction of new power plants.
As Mr. Schneider said, we haven't built reactors in any big way in about two decades, so if you put it in context, the new generation of reactors that we're building are first of a kind, and we are learning all the lessons that one would learn—and relearning some—when one embarks upon the construction of something relatively new.
With the construction going on in India, China, Europe, and ultimately the U.S., we will get through that first-of-a-kind issue and make it much more modular and routine.