Thank you.
There's no doubt that when we do our dialogues with Canadians and we talk about long-term nuclear waste management they are looking for what is essentially the blue-box solution: can we recycle this? That's in the Canadian psyche, actually.
What our assessments told us at the time we did the study—and quite frankly, nothing's changed there—was that reprocessing with the current technology that exists for this does not materially improve long-term waste management prospects. We see this decision to reprocess as more of an economic security of supply issue that has certain proliferation issues around it.
One of the objectives we identified in the implementation plan that we published was to keep a watching brief on emerging technologies. The report we published last year on this subject really did identify that, in the medium term, reprocessing is not likely to become a worldwide trend unless the price of uranium goes up a lot, and this really is a decision that would have to be taken by governments and by the nuclear power generators, etc. The other observation we have is that CANDU fuel is not really a good candidate for reprocessing.
Nevertheless, the repository we're targeting to build would have the ability to retrieve the fuel if and when reprocessing did become viable and it could retrieve and utilize the energy that's there.