I ask members to take their seats, please, and witnesses to take your seats. Thank you.
Members of the committee, we're now going to reconvene and continue with the second part of our agenda. We're pleased to welcome Mr. Christopher Heysel, from McMaster University, who is the director of the nuclear operations and facilities at McMaster Nuclear Reactor. Welcome, Mr. Heysel.
Also, from the Nuclear Insurance Association of Canada, we welcome Mr. Dermot Murphy, who is the manager, Madam Colleen DeMerchant, who is the assistant manager, and Mr. John Walker, who is legal counsel, Walker Sorensen LLP.
On our video conference we have Mr. Simon Carroll, program officer for the Swedish Biodiversity Centre. Mr. Carroll, you're a long way away, but we welcome you and we're very pleased to have you as part of our panel discussion. I guess it's good evening, is it?