The reason I'm asking is, as I said before, that sections like subclause 16(2)—if one were to look at other forms of Canadian law to see something of equivalency, where the government, through legislation, has prioritized some people who might be claimants—don't exist, because that's not the normal way a court goes through things. It says it seeks direction from the government to decide who's eligible to file a claim, because normally....
I'm thinking of an auto manufacturer at this point, or a maker of a product. If they make something that causes harm, I don't think there's any other industry that gets.... The auto industry doesn't get the government to say, “Well, if Ford makes a truck that breaks and hurts somebody, we will give Ford a limited liability.” Bill C-20 is limited liability. It's a special provision. Subclause 16(2) is a special provision offered only to the nuclear industry. In the event of an accident, they don't have to fork over any money for lost power.