Yes, just a short question.
Mr. McCauley, going back to the question I asked you, and I mentioned the magnitude, I was thinking about the excess side, in terms of $650 million worth of liability. But when we had the witnesses from the small nuclear applications with respect to, say, northern and more rural replacements of diesel with a small nuclear reactor, I think your answer was there could be exemptions made through regulation.
Now, if there was an application, would they have to seek a regulatory change first? Then I'm sure they could go to the insurance pool, NIAC, and so on. At that end of the spectrum, I don't see a problem, but would there have to be a regulatory application made before they could apply for their insurance? Or do they have to go with their insurance to the minister and say, “Look, we can get insured. We want to have this particular implementation in Fraserdale and we're seeking an exemption under the act by regulation.” Is that the way it would work?