If I understand this correctly, Mr. Regan's main concern was that the cost of insurance for the research reactors not increase with the passage of this bill. We've had a number of discussions about that. I can give you a long and convoluted explanation, or I can just say that at this time I would like to give my undertaking to the committee, on behalf of the minister and the government, that regulations providing for government reinsurance will be drafted that will maintain the amount of private insurance at current levels for these small operators for a period of time, assuming their activities remain substantially the same.
The government, in addition to the reinsurance it now provides to operators of small, non-power reactors used by educational institutions, will provide reinsurance for 100% of the new liability limit above $75 million, until the time of the conclusion of the minister's first review of the liability limit pursuant to clause 22.
So in effect we're saying that limit will stay in place. There will be no increases in the cost of their insurance until at least the end of the first review, which should be approximately three years. The regulations have to be posted prior to the act coming into force. Then we're talking about a 15-month review after that. So we expect it will take around 33 to 36 months before there is any impact on the educational institutions.