It's been identified as a really important piece of work for us. There are all kinds of different metrics out there right now. It's not that this kind of thing has never been measured, but the question is how to measure it in a standardized way, an accepted way, and how to start getting at all of the different elements on a regular basis. For example, some of the issues that we've run into in the measurement of these things are privacy issues, because you're now starting to look at the community as opposed to individual houses, if you will, for which homeowners says yes, come in, do an assessment of my home. We'll run computer models on this specific house, and that's all taken care of. Once you start getting into larger blocks of data, you have to start dealing with privacy issues. You don't necessarily have access to utility information, which would make things really simple. And then there are other aspects of measurement. We term it bottom-up measurement, which is looking from the individual house and working your way up. Then there's top-down, which is macroeconomic. Communities end up right in the middle, and often the top-down and bottom-up analysis don't blend very well.
So we're working on all these different aspects at the community level to find the best way of measuring them and then standardizing them in such a way that communities across Canada can use them from a design perspective and so that different governments in Canada can use at them a policy level and can use this measurement system as an appropriate tool.
How are we doing on it? There are different measurement systems now being used out there. We're in the early stages of trying to come up with a standardized one to use. Certainly the more demonstrations that are done, the more field trials that are done, the more applications there are to do, and this kind of thing, the more quickly we'll be able to advance on it.