I'm going to provide what I hope is some clarification.
The way this is presented is basically in three pillars. Hydro's first pillar and priority is to conserve more. We do have a 50% conservation target and we need to meet that. That's what we do, first and foremost.
The second pillar is buying more with the private sector. That's generally done through competitive calls. Currently we have a call for clean power. We're looking for clean power, the rationale being that we have a 90% target for clean: we need to maintain clean energy or electricity in the province. So we buy from the private sector, they bid in for us, and we basically look at a portfolio approach. Wind sometimes gets in. Biomass might. We haven't had any geothermal yet, but basically this is about comparing the prices against one another.
The third pillar, building more, has two components. The first is that we build onto existing infrastructure. In the case of two of our larger hydroelectric facilities, Revelstoke and Mica, when we built those facilities, I think Revelstoke, for instance, had room for five or six generating units, but we only put in three at the time. Now we're adding another one or two. The structure is already there. It's just a matter of actually putting a turbine into the structure.
However, site C would be a new large hydroelectric facility. The province has given us the approval to at least move forward to undertake consultation. That will be quite a lengthy process because, as you've stated, when you're flooding lands you're potentially displacing people in first nations and other communities. That needs to be looked at.
But we see site C as being further out on the spectrum, and I guess if we were able to meet our growing energy needs with the other two, or even part of the third one, maybe we could push the building of site C further out into the future.