Going back to your earlier comment about why your local community chose to go geothermal, it's because it came down to cost. That's why a lot of municipalities are embracing this and have been for quite a while. Unlike more traditional development in which one person builds a building and then sells it off, municipalities and the federal government build a building and own it for generations, as in the case of the building we are in.
They don't just look at the cost of building it. They look at the overall maintenance of it for the lifetime of that building, whether it be a hockey arena built in the 1960s or a city hall built in the 1920s. When they're looking at infrastructure investments right now, they're not just looking at how much it costs to put up a new window. It's how much it costs to put that new window in and what choice they have for windows in terms of energy costs for the next 30 years. Energy costs are unknown, but they know how much it costs to put in window type A or window type B.