I just have a quick question, Chair. I'm not sure if this was asked, so I want to make sure I'm not repeating someone else's question.
The terms “green jobs”, “green economy”, and “green buildings” are fairly loosely used these days. It's almost as if everyone you talk to uses this term. In your capacity in working with these projects, what definition or threshold do you use to determine what's considered a green initiative, a green project, a green building?
I'm not sure the definition is very clear, because many people use it in many different capacities, and it's been mentioned here fairly often today. I just want clarity on it, because when we talk about the green jobs and green economy, and when we talk about this integrated system, the term “green” is used fairly often.
What threshold do you use to determine something that is considered green? Is it simply a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions or is it something more specific than that?