I'm Penny Ballem.
I think that essentially we see that there is still significant risk. To the point that was made by other speakers, it's in the bridging, in the transition to the payback. If you look at the business model for our utility that we described, it's about a 25-year cycle. At about 12 to 13 years we start to be able to recover our costs. That's a long time. I think it's also dependent on our ability to use our network to reach out to further development.
There is a significant risk. We think that senior levels of government can really play a role in helping bridge that risk. Also, for municipalities and communities that are just starting, there needs to be feasibility planning. They need to map their opportunities, and that takes time and capacity. I believe, because of the pressure on us to actually steepen the curve of progress, there need to be some investments up front in that kind of work, as well, to help move things along and increase the knowledge exchange between successful projects and communities that are a bit farther ahead.
It will take time. There is risk, and there are ways that risk can be mitigated, both for the municipal governments and for the private sector, which need to be partners in these endeavours.