Good afternoon, everyone. We are here today to continue with our study on the contribution of integrated approaches to providing energy services in Canadian communities.
We have four groups represented here today, with several members to each group. What I'll do is introduce the person who I believe will be making the presentation from each group and have you introduce the rest of the people you have with you. Before that, I would just like to say that we will end this part of the meeting at five o'clock. We have bells at 5:15 p.m., so we'll have about a quarter of an hour to deal with the two motions that I understand will come before the committee today.
Let's start, then, with the main agenda. From the City of Guelph we have Karen Farbridge, mayor. From the City of Vancouver, we have Sean Pander, program manager for climate protection. From Drake Landing Solar Community, we have Brendan Dolan, representative, and vice-president of ATCO Gas. From Dockside Green, we have Jamie James, representative, and partner in Windmill Development Group Limited.
As I said, as you start to make your presentations, could you introduce the others with you? I would really appreciate it. There are four groups, so I'd ask you be sure to keep your comments under 10 minutes, and if you can, to five. That would be helpful. If you can't adjust your presentations to less than 10 minutes, that will be fine, but please don't go beyond that.
We will go in the order that you are on the agenda, starting with Karen Farbridge, mayor of Guelph. Go ahead, please, for up to 10 minutes.