On the 20% target, Denmark is already at 22%. There are times when Denmark runs 100% on wind. Other countries are fast approaching 15%. So we think it's certainly very reasonable.
One of the things that Canada has that is a remarkable attribute.... Well, first of all, we have a lot of wind and we have a lot of hydro, and hydro and wind are perfect dance partners, as it were.
For example, in Quebec's energy strategy, they have actually pegged wind development to hydro development, recognizing that synergy. So 20% is certainly achievable. Is it optimal? We certainly think twinning it with hydro and other sources will allow us to get there quite easily.
In terms of the intermittent question—and I mentioned this before—one of the funny things that you see with wind is that individual turbines will come in and out. A single turbine generally will generate some amount of electricity about 70% of the time; otherwise it's not a well-sited turbine.