I totally agree that we are late to the game with most of these technologies. That's not to say that we're out of the game, either. I think Spain is a good example to look at. It was basically 10 years behind Denmark and 10 years behind Germany in investing in wind power, and they're the third-largest manufacturer on the planet right now. At points in time in Spain they can get 40% of their national grid from wind power--just from the wind. Even though they were a decade behind, they were able to ramp up very quickly when they invested in a serious way.
We're definitely late to the game, but I don't think we're out of the game, either. We have many technologies in Canada. I think solar is the one people overlook all the time in Canada. We have solar hot water companies. Technologies have been developed in Canada and researched in Canada. There are solar walls, for example. Heating of industrial buildings with solar walls is a technology that was invented in Canada. It's almost obscene that we don't use it and make it mandatory on every new building, because it pays for itself, typically, in one to two years when you're building a new building. There are technologies we're definitely behind in. But there are also technologies that we risk losing, particularly in the solar area, if we don't support that particular industry.