First, on behalf of AmeriSpec, I would like to express our sincerest gratitude to the committee for inviting us to participate in this study. Also, we regret the Canadian government's decision to conclude the ecoENERGY retrofit homes program. It is, in our opinion, a model energy efficiency program, and everyone at AmeriSpec has been tremendously proud to be a major contributor.
I have a couple of notes here. AmeriSpec employs over 300 people as a result of this program. AmeriSpec has performed over 190,000 home energy evaluations. We've participated in both home energy assessment programs--previously EnerGuide as well as ecoENERGY--and we also provide representation for ecoENERGY in all provinces excluding Quebec.
The ecoENERGY homes program has been especially notable with regard to the significant increase of knowledge and awareness of energy efficiency technologies available to homeowners. Canadians have also been able to significantly reduce their ecological footprint and save countless millions in energy costs. It has also spurred considerable job growth in the construction and manufacturing industries for energy-efficient products and services.
In addition, many other nations have embraced significant elements of the ecoENERGY retrofit homes program as their own, including its emphasis on obtaining the accurate measurement of home energy consumption. One such example is the Home Star program currently being considered by the United States Congress.
As it has been marked by so many successes, we urge the Government of Canada to view the ecoENERGY retrofit homes program not as a final step but as an initial one, an opportunity to explore the possibilities for achieving still greater energy savings. While the program has undeniably achieved a great deal, there is still much to be done. We feel that without the ecoENERGY homes program in place to aid Canadians in making the right choices about their homes, there will not continue to be the growth in and awareness of new energy efficient technologies as there has been for the program's duration.
Retailers and contractors providing these upgrades and services will likely find themselves in a similarly complicated situation. AmeriSpec and its associates across Canada appreciate having had the opportunity to play a noteworthy role in this highly successful energy conservation effort. We hope the Canadian government will reconsider and reinstate the program. We pledge to continue doing our part in contributing to the ecoENERGY homes retrofit program and look forward to continuing to work with the Government of Canada to create a brighter future for all Canadians.
In conclusion, here are some of the benefits this very effective and successful program has had: job creation in the form of several hundred new employment opportunities; economic stimulation; a reduction in greenhouse gases, which means a brighter future for our children; Canada doing its part to reduce global warming as a responsible nation on the world stage; and Canada making more efficient use of its resources.
Again we sincerely thank you for this opportunity.