Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Good morning everyone.
I must say that I am not very reassured by what I am hearing today.
Mr. Corey, you have said a number of times that we have good legislation and regulations. I want to believe you. However, I am convinced that, despite our numerous laws and regulations, we are not immune to disasters such as the Deepwater Horizon spill in Louisiana. Mr. Bowden talked about plans. Mr. Grenier indicated that there were many stakeholders, including the Department of Defence and Transport Canada. I did not have time to note down all the names.
I have a very simple question. If a disaster were to occur—like the one involving BP—which department would assume the leadership role? Who is responsible for contacting everyone? Who will take on the leadership in order to implement all of the disaster mitigation measures? Do you have a response plan? Do you have an emergency plan? Is there a dialogue established between the departments and the private sector in order to develop a comprehensive disaster response plan?