Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I'm very pleased to be here and also to have my MP and our neighbouring territory's MP sitting in on this committee.
We want to thank you and committee members for giving the Government of the Northwest Territories the opportunity to appear before you to speak about its perspective on an issue that is on the minds of so many Canadians these days: emergency responses to drilling for oil and gas in the offshore.
Today's meeting represents important work, and the Government of the Northwest Territories appreciates that this committee is being proactive in gathering information on an issue that is so important to the people of Canada and to the people of the Northwest Territories. I believe it is efforts like this that will lead to improvements in the measures used to guard against the risk of offshore drilling incidents so that the terrible images we've seen over the past two months from the Gulf of Mexico are not repeated here in Canada.
Mr. Chairman, when I was invited by your committee to appear at this meeting, there was no question in my mind that the Government of the Northwest Territories had to have its voice heard on this issue. While the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs, the Minister of the Environment, and the National Energy Board all have varying degrees of responsibility when it comes to development of oil and gas in the Beaufort offshore, I am here today representing the Government of the Northwest Territories, the elected government of the people of the Northwest Territories. The people of the Northwest Territories look to our government to provide leadership, engagement, and action on issues of importance to them. This is clearly one of those issues.
For our government, the chief concern regarding offshore oil and gas exploration and development is the Beaufort Sea. The petroleum potential of this region is substantial and represents a tremendous opportunity for our territory. The Government of the Northwest Territories recognizes this opportunity and has consistently advocated for oil and gas development in our region, both onshore and offshore, provided it can be done in a responsible manner and provided that benefits from that development are maximized for Northwest Territories residents.
We see this development as crucial to our territory as we develop our economy. Our territory must diversify its economic base. We need jobs and business opportunities for people in all of our regions and communities. That is why we have been supportive of responsible oil and gas development. It will assist us in allowing our territory, our communities, and our people to become more self-sufficient.
However, the Government of the Northwest Territories does not support oil and gas development at any cost. The tragic events and the resulting oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico have demonstrated the significant potential environmental risks of hydrocarbon exploration in offshore waters. Those risks would be increased in the Beaufort Sea, where operating conditions are often harsh and the remoteness of the area makes access difficult.
The Government of the Northwest Territories does not want a repeat of the Gulf of Mexico in the Beaufort. Neither do the people we serve. We have been hearing that loud and clear in recent weeks. We have heard it from leaders such as former NWT premier Nellie Cournoyea, and we have heard it from, in particular, the Inuvialuit people, who have strong attachments to the Beaufort Sea region. That is why the Government of the Northwest Territories wants to ensure that there is satisfactory technology in place to protect the Beaufort Sea ecosystem before offshore drilling proceeds there.
What are the Government of the Northwest Territories' expectations for oversight of offshore drilling in the Beaufort? First of all, let me state that we have confidence in the ability of the National Energy Board, which has regulatory oversight for offshore drilling in the Canadian Arctic, to come up with the appropriate measures to ease the concerns of northerners about offshore drilling in the Beaufort Sea. The NEB is one of the best in the world at what it does, and we recognize that.
The NEB has proven this again by deciding to hold a comprehensive public review of arctic safety and environmental offshore drilling requirements, and it will not consider any drilling applications in the offshore until that review is complete.
The Government of the Northwest Territories is supportive of this review and welcomes the opportunity for a public discussion among government, regulators, industry, and other interested parties on this issue of critical importance to our people. We also intend to be active participants in it.
The incident in the Gulf of Mexico has highlighted the need to gain a better understanding of what went wrong there and what could go wrong in the Beaufort offshore. As I mentioned earlier in my remarks, and I cannot stress this enough, we cannot have another Gulf of Mexico in the Beaufort. The effects would be too catastrophic on the ecosystem and our people for us to allow that to happen. Therefore, we need an open and frank discussion about how the government, regulators, and industry would prevent such an event from happening. Northerners need to be shown, and it needs to be proven, that blowout well mitigation and oil spill remediation technologies could work in the Beaufort and the arctic.
The Government of the Northwest Territories also believes the federal government can play a greater role in providing the comfort northerners require if drilling in the Beaufort offshore is to occur. Specifically, there is a need for the federal government to provide adequate environmental measures to protect the Beaufort and the Canadian arctic. This could be done by investing in areas that will improve accessibility and infrastructure in the arctic. It could come through improving northern marine transportation, through development of ports and barge landings, and even creating new icebreaking capabilities.
It could come through improved roads, bridges, and airports, or it could come through a renewed effort to train and equip northerners to deal with hydrocarbon accidents in an arctic environment, an area, I might add, Canada was once a leader in during the Beaufort exploration heyday in the 1970s and 1980s.
Mr. Chairman, I just came from a series of meetings in Washington, D.C., with oil and gas representatives and U.S. congressmen and senators, such as Dan Boren, Lisa Murkowski, and Mark Begich. I was there to promote the importance of the Mackenzie gas project and the development of arctic gas in general to the North American economy and environment. But obviously the issue of how to protect offshore ecosystems and still have responsible oil and gas development was on the minds of everyone I talked to in Washington. That not only drove home to me the seriousness of the situation in the United States, but also what is at stake in the Beaufort and in the arctic.
It has only strengthened the resolve of the Government of the Northwest Territories to continue to work to ensure that hydrocarbon exploration and development in the Beaufort offshore, and indeed the entire Northwest Territories, is done in a way that not only benefits our people and our economy, but leaves future generations an environment they can enjoy.
Mr. Chairman, I will end my remarks there. Thank you for your time.