Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Let me provide a little background. Noble Corporation, headquartered in Geneva, is a member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors, which is based in Houston. Noble Drilling Canada Ltd. is a Canadian subsidiary of Noble Corporation. It is headquartered in St. John's and is a member of the Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors, based in Calgary. IADC is a trade association representing drilling contractor interests worldwide, which covers some 700 mobile offshore drilling units. CAODC is a trade association representing drilling contractor interests based in Canada, which covers some 800 drilling and 1,100 service rig units. Noble Drilling Canada has conducted drilling operations on the Hibernia platform for the last 13 years, since its tow-out in 1997.
I'm the division manager for Noble's operations in Canada. I'm a graduate in mechanical engineering from Memorial University. I've got 32 years in the drilling industry, and that includes assignments in the Beaufort Sea for six years, the North Sea, and Atlantic Canada off Nova Scotia and Newfoundland for 18 years. I've spent the last two years running our Mexico division for Noble. I currently hold the position of chairman of the CAODC Atlantic Canada division.
Noble and IADC believe the Deepwater Horizon incident was a tragic but preventable event. We mourn the loss of the 11 lives of our industry co-workers and we lament the environmental damage that is still in progress.
Coming from Noble's operational culture, in which there's no job so important that it can't be done safely, I find it very difficult to fathom the series of events that occurred on April 20, which sequentially overrode several key fail-safe features and led to the blowout. It's also very difficult for us to rationalize how, or why, experienced people did not stop unsafe activities that could, and did, lead to such significant loss of life and environmental damage. We must await the final investigation of the incident to understand the real root causes, effectively apply the lessons learned, and establish if there are indeed opportunities for us to improve our regulatory system and current operational practices.
I will next discuss accountability versus responsibility. In our world, the drilling contract between the licence-holder, which we call the operator, and the drilling contractor is the governing legal document that establishes accountability and liability. The operator leases the land, prepares the drilling program, and obtains approval from the regulator to drill the well. The operator contracts with the drilling contractor and many other contractors to bring equipment, people, and processes needed to deliver a cased conduit--the well--through which oil and gas are delivered for processing. Each contractor is responsible to the operator for executing its contracted duties according to its contract terms. Standard, typical drilling contracts recognize the operator as being ultimately accountable to the regulator for compliance and performance in delivering the well according to the plan submitted.
Now I will discuss emergency response assets. Standard drilling contract terms in Canada and internationally make the operator accountable for pollution and spills emanating from the well and for the associated response and contingency plans. The drilling contractor is responsible for pollution emanating from the drilling unit and its equipment, subject to mutually agreed indemnities and caps. A three-tiered oil response capability is required by Canadian offshore drilling permit regulations; it is coordinated by the operator, typically using outside specialists and third-party services.
With regard to the adequacy of the current regulatory regime, we believe Canada has a very robust regulatory system in place, and the processes used for pre-auditing and permitting are highly regulated. Authorization submissions by the operators must include a safety plan, an environmental protection plan, and a contingency plan for drilling and production regulation compliance. Regulatory regimes around the world are moving to less prescriptive and more goal-oriented regulatory models. Goal-oriented regulations should not decrease the standards, but rather, we believe, should promote more effective and more innovative practices. The operator remains accountable for compliance to its plans and for its decisions, the drilling contractor remains responsible to the operator for compliance to its contract and service agreement, and the regulators remain accountable for ensuring that effective goals are met in executing approved drilling and production plans.
In conclusion, with a focus on the tools we have for preventing spills, effective risk management is a fundamental and common goal of the operator, the drilling contractors, and the regulators. The primary focus of the drilling contractor must be on managing operational risks to prevent the loss of well control, and in doing so, to remove the risk of injury to people and the environment.
We have five primary tools in our arsenal for managing well control risks, which are prescriptive and fundamental to providing effective and professional service to our contracts. Those five items are as follows.
We always maintain two independent well barriers during drilling operations, and we ensure that the operator and subcontractors support and enforce this obligation in compliance with the drilling permit requirements.
We employ a robust competency assurance program to document the competency of key people and ensure they've got the training and the experience to identify potential problems and correct them in advance.
We conduct regular drills and well control exercises to test personnel competency and to manage complacency.
We deploy an effective planned maintenance program to ensure that critical equipment will work as designed and when required.
And we enforce a comprehensive health, safety, and environmental management system where hazards are identified and corrected spontaneously, where personnel are empowered with the right to refuse any unsafe work, and where the workforce believes there is no job that important that it can't be done safely.
Thank you for your invitation to meet with the committee today.
We support the initiative, and we are available to assist you, the regulators, and the operators in finding ways to improve the processes used in the safe and responsible development of our oil and gas resources.
Because I know the history of this committee, I've tried to keep my comments short, thinking we were going to be part of a big group of presenters. In my early career I spent 10 years involved in BOP and well control systems design and construction. With the time we've got here today, if I can help you to understand any of these issues, I'm wide open to answer any questions you have.
Thank you very much.