Thank you all very much, especially the colleagues from our party for their very enthusiastic support. Thank you all.
Congratulations go to the vice-chairs and a welcome to the new members of the committee. We're certainly looking forward to working together on some very interesting studies.
We do a lot of good work at this committee, I can say. It's not as partisan a committee as some of the others, and that's good. It leads to more productivity.
That is all we have on the agenda for today. On Thursday, we can come back to deal with the future business of the committee. We have some motions dealing with that already. We'll have the clerk send out the information on what we'd agreed to before the break, and it's up to the members to decide whether they want to carry on with some of that or not.
So we'll come back on Thursday and deal with future business.
Thank you all again very much.
The meeting is adjourned.