We make routine inspections and audits, but we don't have anybody permanently on any of the facilities. We deploy our staff on the basis of a risk analysis, so those areas or activities that we think might be higher risk than others get more interest and more oversight.
If I can refer specifically to the question you asked about what happened on the Stena Carron during the drilling of the Lona-055 well, we had developed a plan of additional oversight and advised Chevron, the operator, that we were going to do that. That meant we had an observer on board at critical phases during the drilling of the well.
Prior to the actual undertaking of those critical activities we had what we call an operations time-out. So we made sure in a formal way, with the operator and the well contractor, Stena, that all the equipment and procedures were in place to deal with whatever happened at the next phase of the well.
It's an exploration well, and the information that comes from it is confidential for two years, but I can tell you that with any exploration well, one of the areas you're going to be interested in from the point of view of safety and environmental protection is when they're entering target areas in the substrata that they believe may contain hydrocarbons.
So before a target is entered we have an operations time-out to make sure they are prepared in every way to deal with what they find in there. If there is a pressure increase, how will they deal with that? Is their equipment capable of doing that? Do their people have the appropriate training and certification? All those things were done on an ongoing basis during the drilling of that well.
We apply that same kind of oversight to any well, especially exploration wells. But we don't have a plan to put anybody on each rig on a 24/7 basis.