I can't say there's been no research done. I'm not an expert on any research that has been done. Some degree of immediate dispersal of fish has been shown, but then over a relatively short period of time that impact seems to have diminished.
I'm not aware of any research that has looked at the long-term implications in terms of the impact on reproduction, migration, spawning behaviour, and that kind of thing. It has been a source of concern for some time.
On the issue of input on various developments, we haven't opposed offshore oil development taking place because, first of all, we feel it wouldn't be very productive in the sense that it wouldn't have any outcome to it, and it is an important industry for our economy. However, we're not satisfied it's being done in a manner that fully mitigates the impacts on the fishery or anticipates them and deals with them to the extent it should.
We've also been successful in having some adjustment to things such as the timing of particular activities--for example, seismic work--in relation to the timing of the fishing season or spawning behaviour. We have made representations and have had seismic activity delayed to avoid adverse impacts to the extent possible.