We at NOIA represent the supply and service sector, the contractors who do most of the work for the oil companies in terms of exploration and production.
Basically any industrial activity has risks. We've seen that issue recently in the collapse of a dam in Hungary, for example. There will always be risk associated with any kind of industrial activity.
I think the important part is that we do things carefully. We do have a sound regulatory regime, in our view, in the two jurisdictions in Atlantic Canada. In terms of the response of the Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board after the Macondo spill, we've seen additional steps and additional care being taken.
I think that at the end of the day lessons are going to be learned from Macondo. When all of the reports are released, I think what we need to do then is compare what's happened--the failures, in that case--with our own regulatory regime and adjust accordingly, but we have full confidence in our regulator.