Getting to your overarching point, I think it's really important for us to respect that we're in new areas that haven't seen our industry, that don't understand the impacts, and are now having choices to make about their local economy and their local energy supplies that they've never had to make before. I think we must have a lot of respect for that.
But when we started to look for natural gas in Quebec, I was reminded of Jim Buckee when he took over Bow Valley Energy, saying that Bow Valley Energy was so poorly run they were even exploring for gas in Quebec. People were literally laughing at our company for the idea that we could find commercially viable gas in Quebec. Having discovered it, we thought some people might be happy.
But I do realize we have to be respectful that having discovered it, people now are asking what does it mean, and let's make sure we understand what it means before we go forward. We do respect that, but I'm with you in being a little surprised that there hasn't....
At the BAPE, I was surprised there were a lot more positive memoirs in support of us than I had expected. So there are constituencies in Quebec who see the benefits.