No, we haven't. Sorry about that. We took quite a look at NB Power when the NB Power MOU with Hydro-Québec went in, and New Brunswick itself has a huge issue because the plants in New Brunswick that are currently producing fossil-fuel-generated electricity are old. They need to be replaced; they need to be taken offline, and that is going to be a cost to New Brunswick taxpayers. So the fact remains that they can be and probably will be the big customer for now for the extra Muskrat Falls hydroelectricity.
We hear it will be another year before Point Lepreau is back online, and it's another billion dollars. So New Brunswick does have some issue with its generation. Even with shale gas, with natural gas, there is still going to be an issue, much like in Nova Scotia. Most of the plants that are currently generating fuel in New Brunswick from fossil fuels are not close enough to the pipeline.