Well, we're actually just undertaking a review now of regulation in the U.S. There are three states that have developed some pretty impressive regulation on different aspects of this that we're looking at, that we want to be able to bring forward to regulators in our province and share with others across the country.
So there's that, and I guess that's what got me thinking that there would be a useful role here for the federal government to actually put together a model legislative framework for provinces to look at in discussion with the provinces. We do that with the National Building Code. It has no legal implication, but provinces can go to the National Building Code and use that to create their own provincial building codes. On something like this, it seems like quite an appropriate initiative for Natural Resources Canada, for example, to undertake in conjunction with Environment Canada. To do just that kind of thing, it would be a tremendous help. Not all provinces are created equal, and ours, in particular, is lacking in a lot of capacity by way of resources. We don't have the money to do some of the kinds of work and research and baseline work that should happen to do this safely, and the federal government has a role to play there as well.
So there are good examples of regulations. That's why New York has brought in its moratorium. The State of New York is saying they want to come forward with the very best regulations and to know whether there are areas that they should establish as no-go zones just because the risks are too high. We think that's a responsible approach. There's no rush here to get this gas out; the gas isn't going anywhere. It will be a strategic resource, and should be, for us for a long time. There's no reason that we can't get it right and ensure that we get it right environmentally, socially, and economically, so that we don't end up with a situation where the companies win and everyone else loses. We don't want that.
So we want the public to win, we want our provinces to win, and we want Canada to win here.