You obviously sent the letter to me wanting to appear before committee. I'm assuming you've had a chance to read some of the previous testimony at the committee from the witnesses who were in. There's been some pretty compelling testimony in the use of water being a significantly small percentage of even what's used for agricultural use.
The drilling and cementing technologies, and the safety of the groundwater, the reduction in chemical use.... As you've said, this might not be the natural gas of before, but it's certainly not the fracking of before either. I think we have to reflect that, and the footprint is actually quite small on some of these things now.
Having said that, I encourage everybody, and I encourage the citizens of New Brunswick, to read the testimony on this, because it is compelling, and it does go way down below the aquifers as well.
I want to go specifically to a couple of points. You've talked about the regulatory framework. Can you comment about what regulatory frameworks, in your view, have worked and stimulated responsible shale gas development?
Do you have any provincial jurisdictions that have regulations in place that you think could be models for New Brunswick?