Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I trust my presentation materials made it here and they're in front of you. I've no intention of going over them in detail. I wanted to give you the highlights.
First of all, to introduce Oil Sands Developers Group, we began in 1997. You can see from our committee structure, on the first page, that we are primarily focused on local issues impacting oil sands, but we will deal with issues wherever they exist with respect to our industry.
I think the first thing people should know is that there are two things driving the need for energy, whether around the world or in fact in Canada: the number of people and their lifestyles. They are growing in all dimensions. I think I want to see improvements in people's lifestyles all around the world, including in Canada.
Our population continues to grow. Therefore energy demand continues to grow, as shown on page 3. You will note that it particularly grows in non-OECD nations.
Even including oil sands, the global energy picture requires that about 64 million barrels a day of new capacity be found by 2030. Global depletion rates are in the order of four million barrels per day per year. Finding rates are about half of that.
In the global energy mix dominated by oil, Canada has a slightly different energy mix, primarily because hydroelectric power, which we happen to be blessed with in certain regions of Canada, has offset coal. But you will notice that our requirements for oil are not dissimilar to other countries around the world, with some 32% of our energy mix being from oil.
Page 7 I think is instructive, in that it lays out reserves positioned around the world. You will note that Canada, at 178 billion barrels, is second in terms of global oil reserves. You should note that 95% of those, or 170 billion barrels, are in fact oil sands.
The question you should ask yourselves is this: If we did not have the oil sands, from where would we be getting our oil? I draw your attention to Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, and Venezuela. These are the places to which we would be turning if we did not have oil sands.
Leaving aside the issues that I'm sure Mr. Levant will talk about, you also should know that increasingly, these countries are turning to the non-OECD nations for their markets, since they are closer and have a higher net back. Interestingly enough, Saudi Arabia's shipments to North America seem to be dwindling in favour of those other markets. That is certainly true for Venezuela.
I want to draw your attention to two things. First, only 20% of the resource in the oil sands is minable. This is the resource that is less than 70 metres deep. This is the resource that was initiated first, because the technology was available. It has only been about 12 or 13 years since the bulk of the oil sands, that being the in situ portion--80% of the resource is too deep to be mined--was in fact commercialized.
If you look at the existing and proposed projects, right now operating projects have a capacity of 1.7 million barrels a day. Last year that capacity expressed itself in the production of 1.4 million barrels. A number of new projects were not fully ramped up. Under construction there are another 600,000 barrels. Those that have regulatory approval or are under regulatory review have sufficient capacity to take us into the range of three and a half to four million barrels a day.
The oil sands is a huge driver of Canada's economy. I need not underscore that. The bottom line, from the Canadian Energy Research Institute, shows that it contributes about $1.7 trillion of GDP and 456,000 jobs across all markets in Canada.
We value, as an industry, development of strong business relationships. One of our objectives is to increase participation locally, and certainly with aboriginal businesses. When we first were formed, we did a survey--this was in 1997--showing that our members did about $80 million a year in aboriginal business. We have almost increased that by a factor of ten. Last year it was $711 million. Similarly, on direct employment with my members, we have moved from 80 in 1998 to over 1,600 self-reporting aboriginals who are now employed directly by my members, and of course there are many more in those businesses.
This is an industry that donates substantial amounts to the community for hospitals, recreation, and cultural education.
Page 13 shows this is an industry that by any measure has world-class environmental monitoring and management. I know of no other air monitoring network as large in terms of scope or in terms of geographic extent as the Wood Buffalo Environmental Association. You may take a look at their website and see the air quality from any area in the region.
Similarly, the aquatics monitoring program, $4 million a year spent on monitoring chemical, physical, and biological properties of the river, and all the cumulative effects, management frameworks developed and recommended through the cumulative environmental management association....
Benchmarked by Cambridge Energy Research Associates, this is also an industry that has world-class regulatory processes in place, including agencies from the Government of Alberta, quasi-judicial regulatory agencies from Alberta, and from Canada.
On page 15, I draw your attention to the fact that technology development will continue to be a key enabler of growth. That 170 billion barrels of reserves is USSEC-qualified, which is to say that it is produceable with today's economics and technology. It is about 10% to 17% of the geological resource. Particularly in the in situ, but also in the mining area, new technologies are coming aplenty. The focus in the in situ business is to drive down the energy and water use and drive up recovery. We can explore a tremendous range of new technologies, but not in seven minutes, so if you have questions, I'd be pleased. The mining area of research focuses particularly on tailings use--moving, of course, toward drier tailings--and on minimization of water use, not to say there aren't other focuses.
On slide 16 I get to the recommendations, my comments.
First of all, in terms of what the OSDG members will continue to do with respect to advancing responsible development in the oil sands, we will do what we do best, which is to continue to seek and develop economic investments, and then operate the facilities we have in a safe, reliable, and environmentally responsible manner. That is our primary contribution to the energy security and economic prosperity of both our province and our nation.
Secondly, we will continue to communicate and discharge our responsibility for consultation, particularly with respect to aboriginal consultation.
Thirdly, we will continue to focus on technology development and innovation, primarily to increase the proportion of the resource that can be produced, and also to improve our environmental performance. I would draw your attention to the fact that I have at least four members who have their own internal research priorities and who fund that to the tune of over $100 million a year. There are also many very entrepreneurial in situ companies who are pushing the technology envelope very hard.
We will continue to work with the regional municipality and the province to ensure the physical and social infrastructure is in place to support the requirements of our industry. In that regard, we particularly focus locally on transportation, infrastructure, housing, health care, and the like. That is evident in the structure of our organization.
We will continue to contribute to the ongoing development of the communities we operate in: donations and support of our employees; educational, recreational, and cultural facilities. Similarly, we will continue to develop the workforce of the future. We have created and supported many organizations to do so. I particularly draw your attention to CAREERS: The Next Generation, and also to funding in support of things like Keyano College, NAIT/SAIT--Northern Alberta and Southern Alberta Institute of Technology--and apprenticeship programs. We will continue to ensure that monitoring and reporting in the region is state of the art and transparent.
Finally, we will continue to engage and contribute to the ongoing dialogue in Canada about energy and environmental policy generally, and the oil sands specifically.
In terms of what I think governments should have as their key elements going forward, I would say, first and foremost, leading and contributing to honest conversations about energy and the environment. The fact is, we all need to be willing to be transparent about the real-world choices that are available and the timeframes within which these choices may be operative. We need to make sure that people understand the impacts and implications of these different policy choices and how they will impact energy consumers across Canada.
I seek a policy environment for Canada that recognizes our specific geographic and energy circumstances. We are a nation founded on an export-based economy. It is not warm in Edmonton today; I don't know what it is like in Ottawa. We also have a country with a low population density, large distances, and the like. We need energy policy that not only advances but balances the three key dimensions of our interests: firstly, economic interests; secondly, energy security and reliability of supply; and thirdly, of course, environmental performance.
We need a policy environment that maintains open borders and trade with, and market access to, our largest trading partner, the United States, but also offshore markets. And we need a policy environment that is founded on economy-wide solutions, ensuring competitiveness and stimulating investment particularly in the use of technology and innovation.
Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, I thank you for your time. I look forward to your questions.