I am not a specialist in the production of gas in Quebec or anywhere in Canada, but I will try to answer the question the best I can.
Regarding this new source of natural gas, I think it is of relatively the same nature as what is going on in Alberta right now with the oil sands with regard to its potential effect on the rest of the economy in terms of stimulating productivity growth, simply because most of the expenditures are not offshore, as they are in Newfoundland. It is underground, and it is spread out in various geographical areas of the economy, and it would also be using inputs that are produced by the economy.
I expect this new source of gas to stimulate productivity at the regional level in Quebec and in Canada. However, the effect overall is not of the same magnitude as what is occurring with the oil sands exploitation in Alberta simply because the rent is not there.
The production of this new source of gas has already pushed the price of gas to a relatively low level, and I expect that it will remain low for a good period of time, as long as we don't know exactly which amount of gas can be produced with this new source. I expect some sort of a spillover at the regional level, but not of the same magnitude, really smaller than what we have in Alberta.