Thank you, Mike. It's always a pleasure to hear your lovely voice and see your half-body on TV.
It's a pleasure to be here.
We've done very well as far as the EIA process, phasing it in, in the Apache, in the Elgin area, as far as the process goes from beginning to end. They have drilled two wells there. They've completed two wells there, and they've been very up front with the people around the area as far as communication goes. They put flyers out to the people around that area as to what they're doing that day, what they're doing the next week, and what they're doing in the next two weeks. They've also gone into the community as far as hiring the local fire department to do security for them. This is all about community involvement, and Apache has done a great job there.
As far as a timeframe for Apache goes, we're probably looking at around 18 months, approximately a year and a half, and with Southwest Energy, which is at the very, very early stage, we're probably looking at about three years there.