No, I was not just talking about the water. I dropped the hint that there are solids and gases downstream, with potential impacts on the environment and human health. On a small scale, around a development near a compressor station, near a pad, in addition to sound there are gaseous emissions. Some of them are purposeful and some of them are accidental. You know now that most shale gas wells leak small amounts or large amounts of methane. That's the nature of the beast. It has always been that way and will always be that way. So there are leakages of gases on a small scale.
On a large scale, remember that natural gas is a non-renewable fossil fuel. When it is burned it produces carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. When you produce it, store it, and transport it through gathering lines, transmission lines, and distribution lines, in the United States--I'm not aware of the figure in Canada--somewhere between 3% and 5% of all the natural gas produced leaks into the atmosphere. Natural gas is a much more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, so even a relatively small percentage leak on a very large volume of gas results in a very significant impact on greenhouse gas emissions, and therefore potentially on climate change. So there are other effects one should consider on human health, the environment, and climate--not just from water, but also from solids and gases.