On the question of subsidies, certainly the Fraser Institute position would be that subsidies on all forms of energy should be removed so that there's a level playing field and resources, including renewable resources, get developed on their economic merit. Is that sufficient at this point? To expand on that would really simply underscore the fact that there's no role that the institute sees, in general, for subsidizing oil and gas or any other form of energy resource development.
On the matter of urgency, the Continental Energy strategy research is being carried out on the premise that if market conditions, competitive forces, could lead to more rapid development of Canadian oil and gas resources, then anything that's non-market standing in the way of that development that cannot be justified and isn't necessary should be removed or reduced. That's why I spoke to the non-market barriers. Certainly we see the market today developing natural gas with some very low price levels, and we find that people who have looked and compared the shale in different parts of the U.S. have noted that some shale development is more economic than others. They're speaking to prices, and in some cases our cost for a thousand cubic feet is below $4, so this gas development may proceed, but other more costly sources will not.