I'll speak to the first part, and then I'm going to let Tim speak to the second part.
In terms of British Columbia, they just created what was called the Oil and Gas Activities Act. In 2007 they did a B.C. energy plan that reviewed energy needs and security across the province. Then in 2010 they put out the Oil and Gas Activities Act. The act followed up on legislation, and toughened up the environmental standards that were created in the 1990s.
The Oil and Gas Commission was started in 1997, as Mr. Koop said. Of course, as all governments know, your regulations have to grow with the economy that's around them. Now there is a $5 million price tag associated with not working within the regime of the Oil and Gas Commission.
All of these things are very favourable and positive. As far as fracking fluid goes, I'm going to let Tim discuss what Apache does. If you do get an opportunity, you should go on our website to http://www.apachecorp.com/Operations/Canada/NewBrunswick.aspx. I really think what we've done in New Brunswick is a template for good consultation.