Yes. That's what they promised, too, in Quebec.
You talked about strategic planning, which had to be more important than oil companies' rights. In Quebec, at present, it seems we are having the same problem you are criticizing in British Columbia. Things are being done in haste, with no strategic development, and we are embarking on absolutely unbelievable things.
I will use an example that Mr. Welt gave me during the break. He told me it was really quite extraordinary. He told me he had worked for the oil companies in Texas, for Texaco. He installed floating roofs in gas tanks in Beaumont, Texas. When he went to install the roofs, he arranged it so his first roof was done to perfection, because then he would sell more. If the others had little problems, it was less important, but the first one had to be perfect. So they drilled 30 wells. That was the first 30, and 20 of them produced, and they are asking us to trust them, they are asking us to believe that when there are 15,000 of them, it will all be fine.
Do you not think that people in Quebec are right to be afraid and to ask serious questions, given these circumstances?