I would however like to stress something important that is not talked about enough in the industry.
At the moment, there is no economic reason to exploit shale gas, because we are going to be exploiting it at a loss. It will be exploited when there are enormous government subsidies; without that, it isn't possible. So that is a fundamental aspect.
There is a second aspect that is just as fundamental: intergenerational equity. In Quebec, in Canada and elsewhere there is this potential energy. If we exploit it immediately, if we exploit it at a loss, we take away future generations' ability to exploit it under much better conditions.
The price of gas is going to rise inexorably because the resource is going to be exhausted at one point or another, maybe in 20 years, maybe in 50 years, maybe in 100 years. That resource, if we exploit it not now, but later, will have far greater value and future generations will be able to use it much better than us, who still have conventional gas at a good price. And there is no economic reason. Forget for a moment all the environmental reasons. In economic terms, I don't see how we can exploit the gas at $4 per 1,000 cubic feet when, and the industry itself gave us these figures, it has to be at least $6 per 1,000 cubic feet to be profitable.
There is also another problem: knowing what has to be done. How should it be exploited, at what rate and at what time? All those studies would have to be done during the moratorium.
Your last argument is that the government has to promote renewable energies like wind power. In fact there was a federal windmill program, but it has been eliminated. It is absolutely desirable that the federal government subsidize renewable energies, emerging energies, like solar energy and especially windmills. Quebec is extremely rich in wind power. It has the largest potential in the world. Wind power is inexhaustible. If all the forms gas have been exhausted, in 100 or 200 or 300 years, wind power will be here for billions of years, as long as the Earth exists. So we have to put all our energy not into outdated energies, but into new energies. That is what our common objective should be.