My name is Tim Wall. I am the president of Apache Canada. I've been with Apache for about 20 years, and I'm a petroleum engineer by background, so an engineer in my base.
I've been in Canada for about a year and a half, and many of the things Mr. Koop talked about are in our area of operations. The Encana things that he mentioned, we are a fifty-fifty partner in those things. We are big in British Columbia. We're a big gas producer there in the Horn River and several areas in British Columbia. We just purchased the assets of BP petroleum in Alberta. So we're in Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan. Those are our big producing assets. We're doing exploration work in shale over in the New Brunswick area.
Apache is a bit different. We go into the communities. We did this in New Brunswick and tried to get many groups together to talk about what we do and how we do it. We work with the communities as well as we can. This really originated in the Fort Nelson area with the Horn River producer group and the first nations groups there. We worked with those guys and brought the producers together with the first nations and the community to try to get everybody to be on the same page and to understand what we do there.
There are a couple of things I would like to address that Mr. Koop talked about. He talked about water, and we do use water in our fracking operations. These are horizontal wells. It's amazing what's happened over time; as you get in and do these types of operations, how you optimize and get better every day. You're inventing things. One thing Mr. Koop didn't mention was a plant that we built just to produce saline water. There is a saline-producing zone at depth, and we actually produce water from the Debolt. It's salt water. It's non-potable. It has a little H2S, but we bring it to the surface, we clean it up, and we do our frack operations with it. It's a closed loop. We take the water back, we clean it up again, and pump it in the next frack, as much as we can.
It's an ongoing process. I think that's just an innovative idea. I think there will be lots of innovative ideas as industry gets better at it. The shale operations, as I said, are ongoing in the United States, they're ongoing in Canada, mostly in the Horn River and in Montney and some of those areas. You'll find that we'll get much better at what we do.
The water he talked about in 63-K, some of that was fresh water. I have to go with that. It was as we were commissioning our water plant. Toward the end, and in the frack jobs we're doing now, they're almost all water plant, using the water out of the Debolt water system, which is not fresh water by any stretch of the imagination.
There is a point about regulations. We are regulated in B.C. Natalie can talk a bit about that.