Absolutely. This is the process that's proceeding in the United States.
Tim from Apache mentioned that fracking is an old thing. Actually, fracking started off in a new kind of way in Alabama in the 1980s as coal bed methane areas, coal beds, were being fracked. This was new technology.
The interesting thing is that as I'm researching this history, I'm finding out what the impacts on the environment were at the time. Of course, these things were proceeding on private property lands owned by U.S. Steel. They had more of a say in what could happen on their lands, but they were polluting the streams and they were actually poisoning people's wells. As this process began in Alabama, the number of wells skyrocketed.
The interest came from the United States. It spread out in the United States in the 1990s. As it was doing so, I think there was a problem that occurred in the United States without enough oversight in terms of regulations and legislation under national acts, such as the Safe Drinking Water Act, and many other things.
These things are coming into play now. Everybody is wrestling with this right now.