Thank you. We've seen what's really been driving the expansion of our business. Our business is a gas gathering, processing, and transportation business, so we are the connection to the supply--which in our case is in northeastern B.C. and northwestern Alberta--and markets. What's driving us is really the rapid increase in production growth that we're seeing in these unconventional gas plays.
In response to your question about low prices and whether this is the right time to develop, I suppose you'd really have to ask a producer to get their perspective on it. However, what we've seen in our producer customers--and we deal with many--is that they have applied some very advanced technologies that are helping to substantially reduce the cost of developing natural gas, especially in these unconventional plays. Even though prices are probably lower than they'd like them to be, they're nevertheless able to support and sanction their projects, which in turn creates a demand for the infrastructure that we provide.
At the end of the day, their cost competitiveness is critical to them, as it is with us, and it's really advances in technology that have allowed them to reduce their costs and operate within what we would generally perceive as a relatively low price environment.