Thank you, Mr. Binder.
I might appear smart because this is the second time I have heard this presentation. Thank you for once again providing this report. As you are aware, there are potential problems with this initiative and hundreds of municipalities and aboriginal groups are opposed to it. There is also a huge perception issue. You have also stated that there has been misinformation. For all these reasons and because each party only has one opportunity to ask questions, the Committee will be asking you back after it has heard from other stakeholders. You are the subject experts and, as such, the Committee will be seeking clarifications from you.
I have several questions now and may have others later. I have read your whole report on the rationale underpinning your decision.
First of all, why was your decision to award the license based on data provided by Bruce Power? I heard one of your Director Generals, Mr. Régimbald being interviewed by Dutrizac on the 98.5 radio station. He stated that he had confidence in the scientific data provided to him by Bruce Power. The Commission has in-house expertise. You conduct evaluations. Did you request the opinion of experts from outside the Commission?