Yes. There are very obvious differences in the plant designs. As I mentioned before, these reactors use enriched fuel, which we don't. We use natural uranium fuel. They have a scenario where the water actually boils within the vessel itself, so there it doesn't take a very long period of interruption of cooling before you actually start boiling off the water that's present.
In our case, our reactors, our fuel channels are surrounded themselves by a shield tank that is full of water. So there's a lot more water around, and from an operational point of view we have to work hard to keep our plants at power because we have to keep adding fuel all the time, because our fuel doesn't contain anything like the level of energy. If you take a boiling water reactor, for example, they will typically run for about a year, sometimes 18 months, without needing any fuel to be added, whereas in our case, we fuel continuously. So there's a tremendous power difference between the two, and obviously in a fault scenario like this, that power difference makes a very significant change to how the plant responds.