Yes. As I said to you, one of the things that nuclear plants are very capable of doing is shutting down very quickly. We're talking here about seconds to actually take the reactor out of service. With the post-trip cooling, all of this backup cooling equipment is functioning very shortly thereafter, and in this plant it was doing so. So if you asked me to give you a full appraisal of that, I would tell you that one of the concerns I would have, even if everything had functioned well and a tsunami hadn't done anything, is the fact that the equipment would have had to function for at least 11 days, because it took them 11 days to get an electrical supply to the plant. So if I'm speaking to you entirely objectively, I'd say even if there was no tsunami, you were relying on this backup cooling system for much longer than I would have thought would be an issue.
Having said that, however, the fact that it took 11 days was probably because the tsunami distracted them from other things. But I think it's probably fair to say, if I give you an example as an answer to that, we ourselves suffered a blackout in the whole northeast region in 2003—the 14th of August, if you remember—and that was as close to this event as we could get. All of our plants were left without any external power, and all of our backup systems had to support themselves. So we should take a lot of comfort from that, because all of our plants performed very well and did what they were designed to do.
Now, to my point, we didn't have to do it for 11 days, but we certainly did it for 72 hours without any real challenge. So as I say, we should take some real comfort from that.