I'm glad you brought up the blackout, because that's where I wanted to go next. You've answered that question.
One of the comments you made in March in the London Free Press was—and Mr. Coderre brought it up—that it's hard to compare. The two technologies aren't the same.
But as Canadians, when we look at our nuclear industry.... Denise brought it up well when she said we have 15% of Canadian energy coming from our nuclear plants, 50% in Ontario, and a significant 12%, I think you said, increase in GHGs in Canada if we didn't have the nuclear fleet. So I think it's important for Canadians to understand the difference, to make sure, because we can have an intelligent debate that nuclear power can have a role to play in the future.
You talked about “The way I explain it is our plants are a little bit of fuel surrounded by an awful lot of water, whereas these plants are an awful lot of fuel surrounded by a little water”. Can you comment about that difference?