Do you want me to go first?
I'll do the layperson first. One of the reasons we recommend that multi-purpose is if you think of this over a 40- or 50-year time span, when those reactors were built nobody had even thought of isotopes. Isotopes came along in the 1970s. So they grew up on an experiential basis in each one of the reactors. I think there is more interchangeability in Europe, and I'll speak to that. There was a U.S. presence in this until the middle or late eighties, which is the last time I think there was reactor-based production in the U.S. But even within Canada, within our research reactors, because the reactor wasn't designed the same way because it didn't have the same primary purpose, when it adopted and started to make isotope production, it did it in different ways at different times.
The other thing is although we're focused on the reactor, the other aspects of this are critically important, and to understand the processing.... That reactor will be used for many purposes. The processing is dedicated to isotope production. So it's often interchangeable at the processing level, not just at the reactor level.