I have a suggestion. I'm just trying to remember the sequence of how we booked these.
When we set the agenda on March 16, I know there weren't a lot of witnesses set up around the retrofit; it was only at March 25, when the no new intakes, or the cancellation of the program, was announced. I'm suggesting to committee members that we need a day talking to....
We haven't seen anybody here yet who actually does the retrofits or is in the industry that deals with this. We didn't necessarily suggest witnesses because we thought the program was continuing, based on the throne speech and budget. It was only cancelled a week after we as a committee set our schedule.
So I'm suggesting that on the 29th, rather than get into the isotopes report, we do a day on retrofits with people actually in the industry doing the retrofits, to get a better sense of what the impact is of the government's decision.