Thank you very much.
The first thing I'd like to speak to is the Species at Risk Act itself, which is species specific. It doesn't take the whole ecosystem into consideration when they're developing plans for a particular species. You might end up proposing something that's good for one species, such as taking action on all forest fires in an area to create a mature habitat for caribou, but that might be adverse in regard to what would be good for a healthy forest ecosystem or even for other species in that forest. I think the Species at Risk Act actually needs some fundamental restructuring to look at a broader landscape approach.
I think there's a couple of things in terms of what could be done to ensure that Saskatchewan is able to maintain its responsible mining history. We've already undertaken a best management practice with respect to what can be done in terms of managing operations to be respectful of boreal caribou in the area. We have it drafted right now.
I'll turn it over to Ms. Van Lambalgen to see if she has any other comments on what could be done for the caribou habitat.