Yes, if I can summarize the situation in Quebec, you need to look at Quebec in at least two different sections. There's the southern portion of Quebec, where it's mostly the provincial environmental regulations that are being applied, along with the Bureau d'audiences publiques sur l'environnement. Mines that are over 7,000 tonnes per day go through a full environmental impact assessment and full public consultations with BAPE in the southern portion of Quebec. The current Mining Act reform is proposing to reduce that threshold to 3,000 tonnes per day for mines.
In the northern part of Quebec, meaning on treaty lands where the Cree, the Inuit, and the Naskapi first nations are, all new mining projects go through an environmental impact assessment and a review panel. That review panel was designed in a 1975 treaty and includes provincial, federal, and first nations representatives. It's my understanding that for certain projects it can happen that you would have a joint panel, a full comprehensive review with a large involvement from the federal level. I believe the Matoush uranium project on Cree traditional land, for instance, is subject to that. It's one of the projects currently on northern lands or treaty lands that is creating controversy.