At present, it happens in a voluntary and somewhat anarchical fashion. We allow businesses to judge for themselves the risks with regard to a given area. We also leave it up to them to establish a relationship with the aboriginal community and get along or not with this community.
There is someone doing very relevant research into relations between aboriginal communities and the mining companies in Canada and Australia; his name is Ciaran O'Faircheallaigh. He is doubtless one of the world leaders in the field. I invite you to read his works, which are very relevant. He has studied over 75 agreements concluded between aboriginal communities and mining companies in recent years. One of his big conclusions is that the agreements that we call impact and benefit agreements are not a bad idea in themselves, but there are some very good ones and some very bad ones. So there's a variety. In the end, what makes the difference between a good agreement and a bad one is the political ability of the communities to negotiate with the companies.
To some extent, we have to wonder about the position of the government and the state. I think the governments are shirking their responsibilities. Companies and communities are left to their own devices, knowing there's an imbalance of forces.
There would be an improvement if these agreements were monitored and certain guidelines were suggested. This would ensure that the communities got something out of it, that they were protected and the environment was also protected.