Both the Chamber of Mines and the Mining Association of Canada have issued detailed recommendations as to how the legislation process could be improved.
I'm afraid there is a very long list one could come out with. There are certainly significant uncertainties surrounding the whole issue of aboriginal consultation. Who is responsible for consultation? Who is supposed to do it, and at what level? Frankly, the courts have not helped with the various decisions, which has created more uncertainty.
There seems to be reluctance on the part of the government in trying to see how some form of universal consultation process could be put in place. That needs to be legislated.
Beyond that, I could say that one should eliminate the right of appeal from a review board. That might sound terribly contradictory, because a right of appeal to the courts is always a safeguard. On the other hand, the fact that it's there tends to have it used unnecessarily.
There are timelines that need to be imposed all across the board. As I said earlier, the role of the federal government departments inputting into the review process needs a significant streamlining. It's questionable as to whether it's even needed. It certainly should be pulled way back.
Timelines are very, very important. That needs to be legislated. There are also lots of other changes that can be put in. Thresholds for small projects is perhaps the most important, for example, with an exploration project that only needs a drill hole or a couple of drill holes.
The reason that junior exploration has stopped in the Northwest Territories is that a prospector can no longer stake a claim and drill a hole because he has to go through this elaborate process. Even a small junior exploration company that only wants to drill two holes, or whatever it wants to drill, is forced into a very elaborate two-year to three-year process, which is probably not funded by flow-through shares that have to be spent within 18 months.
It's a chain that just isn't working. Thresholds definitely need to be changed, timelines need to be imposed, and government involvement in the review process needs to be reduced.
People talk about capacity and giving them more money so they can study more, but I'm not in favour of that. I'm in favour of less money so they can do less work.