Okay. I just wanted to clarify that, because it really struck me. Your comments were quite powerful in terms of the language you chose. I guess you deliberately chose it. It's interesting to hear.
I want to go to the second theme, if I could, for the three companies represented here—Avalon Rare Metals, Fortune Minerals, and Canadian Zinc.
Mr. Goad, in your brief you make some very important comments. You say in one bullet point, “Aboriginal Consultation & Rights & Title issues being used extract increasing payments from mineral developers despite government obligation of consultation.” Then you go on to say, at the bottom of your page, that the B.C. government is refocusing from treaty negotiations to economic cooperation agreements and resource revenue sharing with first nations as a possible template for use in other jurisdictions.
So in that light.... And we've talked devolution here, so let's really talk devolution. In the case of Avalon Rare Metals, Fortune Minerals, or Canadian Zinc, are any of these three companies...? Are you involved now in equity participation deals? Do first nations own, in percentage, a part of these companies operating in and around their territories?
Mr. Bubar?