I will start and be very quick. I think we are all in agreement that we need further education. It's not just formal education; it's simple education. You think of a culture in which you have elders who came off the land and then you have children, their grandchildren, who are on the Internet and have never held a job before. It's simple things like what does a job mean? What does a bank do? It's everyday things that we have to do. So it's education, but even start back at that rate.
Also really consider infrastructure. We're not talking about power lines all across the north; we're talking about a coat of asphalt on a runway, maybe adding 200 metres so a larger aircraft can come in. These are not big-ticket items.
We're talking about communications. I mean it's remote enough as it is. What can we do to improve communications in the north?
Goods and services for everyone. Mining is capital intensive, so it needs deep sea ports. But then the whole community, the whole region, benefits from the port as well and not only the mining companies. These, in our view, are simple things, and probably some of them can still be attained in my lifetime. They're not big, gargantuan projects.