I think the companies are doing what is possible for them to do. They, especially the mining companies that are now in production, have implemented training programs with the support of the Yukon Mine Training Association and the Yukon College and with the support of the Yukon government and Canada.
What the industry is providing is the availability of their work sites, the contribution of equipment and of trainers, and also jobs after the training has been offered. For example, this summer 52 local residents from the Yukon, mostly first nations residents, were trained in field work for an exploration program, as well as in camp management. All of these graduates found employment in the exploration industry.
The reason we have such a high percentage of the local aboriginal workforce working in the industry is that these entry-level training programs have offered them the opportunity to take on those jobs. What is needed in the future is the possibility for them to acquire further specialization and skills so that they can move from entry-level to more specialized jobs offered in the industry.